News From Across GMRSD

Please help us collect nonperishable food items for the Montague Catholic Social Ministries Food Pantry. The food pantry serves many families in need within our community.  Let’s work together to replenish their supply during this time of urgent need. Items may be dropped off during school hours to your school office from Mon. November 25 - Fri. December 20 Items most needed: canned vegetables/fruits/protein, soup, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, oatmeal, instant potatoes, rice, beans, pasta, pasta sauce and juice as well as any snacks.  VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER:...
It has been great to see you all during conferences. Thank you all for making the time to be an integral part of your child’s education. When we work together, magic happens!  Please remember that Monday is Veterans’ Day, and there will be no school. Next Friday, 11/15, is our All-School-Sing.  Below, is a message I shared with our students this morning. As we celebrate Veterans’ Day, I would encourage everyone to take some time and reflect upon the day’s meaning.    Good Morning.  As you hopefully know, we do not have school on Monday. As you’re...
Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News November 8, 2019 Dear Hillcrest Families, It’s been very busy here at school this week with Parent Conferences! Thanks so much for taking the time to come to school to meet with your children’s teachers.  While Parent Conferences only happen twice a year, please know that you can always reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We really want to hear from you all year long! Another opportunity to lend us your ideas is through our School Council.  This group meets monthly to advise me on our annual School Improvement...
  Today and tomorrow are half days with a noon dismissal for parent/teacher conferences.  Our teaching staff is looking forward to partnering with you to ensure your child’s academic and social success. We have a book fair set up in our library that families can visit during conferences. This is the time of year that the heat is on, but there are fluctuations in temperatures depending on the classroom.  Please have your child dress in layers. Long pants are recommended. All students will be outside for morning and lunch recess as long as the temperature...
