News From Across GMRSD

Superintendent Screening Committee The Gill-Montague Regional School Committee is seeking members for a screening committee to assist in the search for a new superintendent. This committee will be responsible for reviewing applications, interviewing semi-finalists, and determining finalist candidates to be interviewed by the School Committee. Members are sought from each of these constituent groups: - two students - three parents or guardians of students in the district - three community members or civic leaders from Gill, Montague, or Erving - one principal - one central...
Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News January 10, 2020 Dear Hillcrest Families, Brr!! These past few days have been especially chilly!  This time of year, the weather often pushes us to be more creative in our approaches to recess.  On Tuesday and Wednesday, the incredibly slippery combination of residual ice and fresh snow on the kindergarten and first grade playgrounds meant that we had to seek out an alternative location for recess. (Fortunately, our preschool playground was ice-free.)  Instead of using the playground, our kindergarten and first...
With the Cold and Flu season upon us, please remember the following: Please keep your child home if they have the following: • Fever of 100’ or higher.  • Vomiting or diarrhea.        • Coughing excessively.     • Strep throat.   *Your child must be treated with antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school. • Eye symptoms such as redness, discharge, itching, etc.   *Your child should be evaluated by a medical provider to           rule out “pink eye”. If it is a...
Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News January 3, 2020   Dear Hillcrest Families, Happy New Year to all of you! One of the wonderful things about being an educator is the opportunity to celebrate the new year twice -- we have the first day of school each August and then we have the first day of the calendar year each January!  At Hillcrest, we are beginning 2020 with many opportunities for you to visit our school and our classrooms. This month, you can look forward to Family Math Night, Family Read-Alouds, All School Meeting and Cocoa, Cookies & Crafts!...
