News From Across GMRSD

  Hillcrest Newsletter November 2019 Upcoming Dates Tuesday, Nov. 26, School Council Meeting, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28, School dismissed at NOON (11:30 a.m. Preschool) for Thanksgiving break. Monday, Dec. 2, school resumes. Wednesday, Dec. 4, In Service, Half Day Parent Parking Reminder Please do not park across the street in the “No Parking” spaces on Griswold Street when picking up or dropping off your children at the 30 Griswold St. entrance. F.M. Kuzmeskus informed us the busses have a hard time getting through when cars are parked there. Please...
Our student council has presented a powerpoint they helped create to each classroom explaining what our five school rules look like and sound like.  Please review our school rules with your child/ren frequently at home. They are as follows: Be safe and in control Active listening to all Take care of all school materials and keep a clean school environment Be kind, helpful, and have fun Believe in yourself and believe in each other There is an All School Meeting tomorrow at 2:15 in our auditorium.  This is...
Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News November 15, 2019   Dear Hillcrest Families, Did you know that our school district has a Family Engagement Coordinator?  Stacey Langknecht, the GMRSD Family Engagement Coordinator, began working in this role in August and she is focused on connecting district families with community resources, supporting families at school-based meetings, and helping families to support their students’ school success.  Beginning Wednesday, November 20th, Stacey will be holding a weekly drop-in time for Hillcrest families from 8:30...
Principal Newsletter for November 14, 2019 Thank you to all families who came to partner with our staff during parent/teacher conferences.  If you were unable to make your appointment, please reach out to your child’s teacher to reschedule. A thank you also to all families who purchased books at our book fair!  We earned $700.00 to purchase books and needed supplies for our library. All students will be outside in the morning and mid day recess as long as the wind and air temperature combined is 20 degrees or greater.  Please send your child dressed...
