Gill Principal Newsletter- June 11, 2021
June 11, 2021 Newsletter
Dates to Remember:
- June 14th- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL- Noon Dismissal
Dear Gill Families, Caregivers, and Staff,
It has been a whirlwind of activities, celebrations, and end of year events over the past couple of weeks.
- Last Friday, Turners Falls High School Graduates came to visit in their full graduation garb while Gill staff and students cheered them on.
- We celebrated sixth grade students in a lovely ceremony on Wednesday afternoon for their graduation ceremony. It is such a bittersweet moment in saying good-bye to our sixth grade students.
- Yesterday was “Games Day” and classrooms participated in a variety of water games, tie-dying, and many other fun activities.
- Today was “Step Up Day” for students who are remaining at Gill Elementary school. Each class visited the teacher and classroom that they’ll be attending next school year. There was a lot of nervous excitement in the air!
- Report cards and progress notes will be mailed out next week. Grades closed today and teachers are finalizing report cards over the weekend for my review.
- Student Summer Reading program bags sent home today.
Thanks so much for a wonderful year here at Gill Elementary School! I am so honored and thankful to be a part of such a wonderful and caring school environment. The Gill School teachers and staff are a dedicated and compassionate community that demonstrate daily a high level of expectations in teaching and supporting our students. However, without the support of families, we couldn’t have the level of success that your children experience. Our partnership together in supporting your children’s learning experiences and needs is critical to a successful and positive school experience.
I hope you all find some time this summer to rest and rejuvenate, and to make your own fun. Please keep in touch to let me know any news that you’d like me to know and I will be checking my email throughout the summer. I will be at the school most of the summer as well if you’d like to stop by.
Have a safe, happy, and fun-filled summer!
Warmest Regards,
Lisa Desjarlais
Why is it important to read over the summer?
Research shows that students can maintain or improve reading skills when they are out of school for the summer. Access to books over the summer increases reading opportunities and enjoyment of books, and helps students be ready for next school year. Students who read at least five books during the summer can maintain important literacy skills.
Gill Elementary- Passport to Summer Reading Program
Each student at Gill Elementary was given a blue GMRS bag today containing five books chosen by their classroom teacher to keep and read over the summer. Titles were chosen carefully with a range of genres and to touch on topics and content appropriate and relevant for the grade levels. I visited classrooms today to hand them out and to invite students to participate in the Summer Reading Program.
Students who bring back their completed packet passports will be recognized and their names added to the “Summer Stars Readers” bulletin board. In addition, for each book read, they will have a chance to pick a prize out of a treasure box! Students can either read the books or have an adult read them to them.
Please encourage your child to read all summer!