At Gill Elementary, we believe that learning is best achieved when parents are actively involved in their child’s education. We welcome and encourage parent volunteers in our school community, as it is a great way to stay connected and to give back to the Gill community. A visit to your child’s classroom can easily be arranged by calling us to schedule a time to come by.
As a volunteer and/or visitor, please:
- Sign in and out at the office
- Be only in the appropriate place for designated volunteer/visitor activity
- Model respect for the school, school personnel, and school policies at all times
- Have students address you by using Mr., Ms., Mrs. or Miss and your last name. It is our custom at Gill, and this practice helps to maintain our school culture
- Use the adult bathroom located next to the principal’s office
- Turn off your cell phone while you are in a classroom or indoor event
In addition, please take note of these few points:
- All teachers have their own way of welcoming visitors/volunteers in their rooms. Please follow the lead of the teacher.
- If you are visiting, spend the majority of your time watching and your interaction with the teacher to a minimum, so that classroom routines, teaching, and learning are not disturbed.
- You may not photograph classrooms and children, but we do permit you to take photos of student displays, charts, etc.
- We discourage any physical contact with students except in the case of an emergency. If a child is hurt, of course, you may need to touch that child, but then immediately call for help.
- Complete a CORI check before beginning to volunteer. This is an easy process, and the GMRSD has results usually within a week.
- If a child begins to share information that is questionable or disturbing, please say something like, "That sounds like something you should tell your teacher," and try to redirect the conversation. If the child persists, take the child to his/her teacher or an administrator and say, "(Name) has been telling me some things that I think he should discuss with you." If a child asks whether he/she may tell you a secret, please redirect him/her to tell a teacher or an administrator.
- Notice the language teachers and staff use with children to encourage their learning and to remind them about school rules. (School rules are the same before school, during school, and at after-school programs.) Asking questions that require reflection help increases student learning. Telling students what you specifically notice about their work reinforces learning much more than phrases like "good job" or "nice work."
Thank you for following these guidelines! We look forward to having you join us at Gill Elementary!