Happy Friday from Gill Elementary School (though it's hard to believe it's Friday after the snow days!)
Monday, December 9, 2019
I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. Please remember that we have two full weeks until the December Recess. During that time, we have a few events to keep in mind. Today, 12/6/19, was our December all-school-meeting. We did a school read aloud of the book I Am Enough by Grace Byers, which is also available on our website and Facebook Page. Tonight from 5:30-7:30 is our Holiday Craft Fair. The book fair will also be open during this event. The food drive is ongoing, please donate any non-perishable items you are able. Report cards are going home today, 12/6/19, in students' backpacks. THe 6th grade Holiday Bazaar will be on December 18th and 19th. Our December Sing will be on 12/20/19. Finally, a reminder that if a student will be out or late to school, please call to let us know. Our system is set up to automatically call students who are marked absent if we have not heard from parents or guardians. Thank you, Conor Driscoll Principal, Gill Elementary School