News From Across GMRSD

It’s so great to have so many students back in school!! They have been fabulous at adhering to all the safety guidelines we put in place to keep them, their peers, and teachers safe.  I’m so proud of them! Students in grades 3-5 eat breakfast outside under a tent.  It has been great, however when we experience rain, your child will still be walking to the tent to eat.  Please consider dressing your child to be walking a short distance to the tent on these days.  Second graders (except 4) all eat breakfast in the cafeteria. MCAS dates: this year we...
***Important pickup information for ordering from the coffee fundraiser*** To clear up some confusion: There are 2 options on the ordering page for pickup. One option will say that you can pickup at the store and the other option says you can have it shipped. Please choose pickup at the store if you'd like to pick it up at Sheffield. There isn't a way for the company to change that to say "Pickup at Sheffield." Sorry for any confusion on that. If you choose pickup at the store (aka pickup at Sheffield) on the ordering page, we will distribute items at Sheffield on Thursday, April 29....
April 3, 2021 Newsletter Dates to Remember: Monday, April 5- Students Return- 5 Days! Tuesday, April 6- School Committee 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 7- Early Release- Teacher PD day- Noon Release Wednesday, April 7- School Council 6:15 Sunday, April 19- Spruce up Gill School Day-9:00-12:00- MORE TO COME Monday, April 19-Friday, April 23- Spring Break- NO SCHOOL Dear Families and Caregivers, I’ve received some inquiries in the past few days in regards to the Superintendent’s message sharing that there were several positive Covid-19 cases identified within the...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News April 2, 2021 Dear Hillcrest Families, April has arrived and we are all gearing up for our return to full-time in-person learning on April 5th. This is a big transition for everyone and we’ve been busy here at school getting ready to welcome more students and while maintaining all of our critical safety protocols.  If you’ve been at school this week, you have probably noticed the addition of more outdoor line-up spots and the arrival of three giant tents on our school grounds. These are just a few of the key changes that...
Dear GMRSD Families,  Transportation Information  District bus routes have been updated and can be found at the following link: Daily Self-Check of Student Reminder  As members of the school community, we all share the responsibility to avoid coming to school with symptoms of COVID-19. I just wanted to remind families of the daily expectation of self-checking for symptoms for all students and staff.  Gill-Montague Regional School District  COVID-19  SELF Certification / Reporting  The...
Dear GMRSD Families,  Transportation Information  District bus routes have been updated and can be found at the following link: Daily Self-Check of Student Reminder  As members of the school community, we all share the responsibility to avoid coming to school with symptoms of COVID-19. I just wanted to remind families of the daily expectation of self-checking for symptoms for all students and staff.  Gill-Montague Regional School District  COVID-19  SELF Certification / Reporting  The...
