News From Across GMRSD

  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News April 16, 2021   Dear Hillcrest Families, Just as we’re about to embark on spring vacation week, we’re watching giant snowflakes fall from the sky!  New England weather never stops surprising us! I hope that the upcoming week brings some true springtime weather and that you are able to enjoy some outdoor fun with your Hillcrest student.  I am certainly looking forward to working on my garden and taking some long walks with my dog. Some important news items for the week:  Earlier this week,...
April 9, 2021 Newsletter Dates to Remember: Tuesday, April 6-School Committee Meeting- 6:30 Sunday, April 18- Spruce Up Gill School Day- 9:00-12:00 (See enclosed flier) Monday, April 19-Friday, April 23- Spring Vacation Week- NO SCHOOL Dear Gill Families, Caregivers, and Staff, We had an absolutely fabulous first week back! Students have expressed how happy they are to be back in school and I’ve heard lots of positives from parents and caregivers as well. Staff is so thankful to have their students in front of them and have shared the difference they’ve noticed in...
We are excited to welcome Zoe Neeley as our new Science teacher at Sheffield. Click here to read an introductory letter from her!  
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News April 9, 2021 Dear Hillcrest Families, What a week it’s been!  We welcomed back all of our In-Person Learning students to school this past Monday and our school building is once again full of energy and excitement! Our students have shown quite a bit of enthusiasm, flexibility and patience as they are encountering new routines and getting settled into their classrooms.  Thank you very much to all of the families and community members who are working to support our students in making this transition! Some...
