Winter Sports Season 2020-2021
Monday, November 30, 2020
- Sports Offered will be Swim, Co-op Hockey, Varsity and JV Basketball
- Season will start on January 4th- Practice times will be announced later
- Blue registration forms can be found on the TFHS/GFMS website and available in the front vestibule of the High School
- They are due by 8am on Friday December 11th so we have time to clear students medically/academically and create contact tracing rosters
- Forms can be dropped off at the HS or emailed to
- While we are not offering Middle School basketball, we encourage Middle School students to try out for the Varsity/Junior Varsity teams as many Middle school students traditionally play on those teams both in Turners Falls and the County
- MIAA and GMRSD protocols will be followed and athletes/coaches will be masked at all times
- The season will start on January 4th and end no later than February 20th