News From Across GMRSD

Friends of Sheffield   Reach us at: Meeting Minutes 9/15/21 In Attendance: Cassie Damkoehler, Corinne Ginsberg, Nikki Henderson, Will Johnson, Stacey Langknecht, Stephanie Lofland, Julie Nolet, Susan Pelis, Melissa Pitrat, Kubita Wait, Lesley Cogswell, Carly Skorupa Introductions: So many new and familiar faces! Thank you and welcome! Reminder that it’s okay if you cannot attend every meeting - please join when you can. We appreciate your time and your energy.  Problems with meeting link and teachers/staff attempting to login from...
Monday, September 20, our 21st Century Afterschool program begins its first session.   Wednesday, September 22 is a half day of school with a noon dismissal.  Every half day we invite staff and students to participate in a school spirit day.  This coming Wednesday is Sports Day!  Staff and students are invited to show their Sheffield Pride by wearing a shirt or sweatshirt of their favorite sports team.  This is not a hat day.  All spirit days are voluntary and are “if you want to”, not a “have to.”  Students will eat lunch before dismissal...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News September 17, 2021 Dear Hillcrest Families,   You may be wondering why you are receiving a second copy of the Hillcrest Family Handbook this week.  This is because the first copy contained incorrect information about our Food Allergy Policy.  Please open your new copy of the handbook to page 14 to review the information about Nut Safe schools.  This year, students may not bring any peanut-based or nut-based products to school.  Please do not include any of these products in your child’s lunch....
  Tuesday, September 21st is School Picture Day!   School picture order forms  will be sent home later this week.  
The following students will have their face on our Wall of Fame for completing the summer reading challenge!  Congratulations to: Second graders; Liam F, Xavier P, Antony C, Phoenyx I, Chase R. Fourth graders;  Izzabella O, Eleni R, Johnathan S, Rhiannon S, Hannah S, Nethanel M.  Fifth graders;  Jenna Lee B., Savannah B, and Camden C.  Well done!! There are two key safety procedures we have in place to ensure everyone’s safety.  First, staff will have a window or two open to provide additional air flow to support each air purifier in keeping our...
Open House:  Remote  As you know, Open House for both GFMS and TFHS has been re-scheduled for Wednesday, September 22nd.  However, we are now seeing COVID data in Montague approaching the numbers that were present at the peak of the pandemic.  As a result, our Open Houses will be changed to a remote format.  Look for more information on that by Friday, September 17th.     Pictures  Wednesday, September 15th:  Student Photo Day  LTA Notification  Please see the link below for...
