News From Across GMRSD

Gill Montague Regional School District Schools’ Picture RETAKE DAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD!!!! Important Information: Students that were absent on the original school picture day will be photographed the morning of Wednesday, November 3, 2021. Pictures will be taken outdoors, so please plan on it being a little chilly, and remember that long sleeve, solid colors work best for portraits. Retakes will be free of charge for technical problems only (closed eyes, camera malfunction and blurry image!) There will be a $5 charge for all other reasons (different expression, change of hair...
INVITATION FOR BIDS Sheffield Elementary School Fire Alarm Upgrades Turners Falls, MA IFB 2021 1116 The Franklin Regional Council of Governments will accept sealed bids on behalf of the Gill- Montague Regional School District for FIRE ALARM SYSTEM UPGRADES at the Sheffield Elementary School and District Administration Offices, located at 43 Crocker Avenue, Turners Falls, MA per the specifications. Bids should be marked “Sheffield Elementary School Fire Alarm Upgrades” and will be received by the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, 12 Olive Street, Suite 2, Greenfield, MA 01301...
Student pictures have arrived and have been sent home.  Picture retake day will be November 3rd.  The class picture will be sent after retake day. Tuesday, October 26 is our first School Council meeting from 4:00-5:00 in the conference room.  This is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend. Parent/teacher conferences are coming up soon!  November 4th and 5th are both half days for this important opportunity to partner with your child’s teacher.  These meetings will be in person, and if you haven’t been contacted to set up an appointment...
  October 22, 2021 Newsletter Dates to Remember: October 29-Crazy Hat Day and K & 1 Halloween parades. November 3-Picture Retake Day-10:15 a.m. November 4- Parent-Teacher conferences- EARLY RELEASE November 5- Parent-Teacher conferences- EARLY RELEASE Dear Gill Families, Caregivers, and Staff, The PTO Bonfire was a huge success last Friday evening, with a great turnout. A big thanks to the Friends of Gill and to the emergency responders as well for joining us. It was so great to see the students running around the field in the dark with the glow sticks...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News October 22, 2021   Dear Hillcrest Families, I hope you all had a chance to talk with your Hillcrest student about the fire safety tips they learned from our local firefighters last week. Our students learned about practicing fire drills at home, checking with their grown-ups to be sure their smoke detectors have fresh batteries, and designating a family meet-up spot in the event of an emergency. We’re going to have a chance to reconnect with the Turners Falls Firefighters again next week when they come to school on...
School pictures will be sent home this week.  Please note that if you ordered a CLASS picture, it will not be included in your order.  Class pictures will be sent home after picture retake day to ensure all students are included in the class picture.  Our picture retake day will be November 3rd.  
