News From Across GMRSD

Principal Newsletter for February 13, 2020 ● Second grade will be attending a Frozen performance at Ja’Duke tomorrow, Friday, February 14th from about 9:15-11:15. ● School is closed from Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21 for vacation. ● School will reopen on Monday, February 24, 2020. ● Thursday, February 27, we will be holding a Bridges Math Night in our cafeteria from 5:30-6:15. There will be a 10-15 minute presentation by two of our staff members, then parents and students can engage in playing math games. A lite snack will be provided. ● Friday, February 28,...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News February 7, 2020   Dear Hillcrest Families, Happy February! While February is the shortest month, it’s always filled with special elementary school events like the 100th Day of School and Valentine’s  Day. Please be on the lookout for information from your child’s teacher about these two special days. Each classroom recognizes these days in its own unique way, but there are sure to be some sweet things happening!  It was definitely a treat to end January with our annual Cocoa, Cookies and Crafts event...
Principal Newsletter for February 6, 2020 ● The Flu has hit Sheffield, both strains A and B. Please help with the spread of illness by keeping your student home if they have the following symptoms: fever, chills, muscle aches, vomiting/nausea, sore throat, persistent cough and headache. Remember students need to stay home until symptom free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine. Handwashing is our first line of defense and so wash, wash, wash! Thank you all for keeping the Health Office informed with your child’s illness. ● Thursday, February 13 we have an All School Sing in our...
We have two openings on the Superintendent Search Screening Committee. 1. Student Representative 2. Erving Representative  Members of the screening committee must be available on the evenings of February 13 and 24, and March 3, 4, and 5. To apply, email Tracy Novick, Massachusetts Association of School Committees consultant, at - Put in the subject line "GMRSD Screening". Your email should mention for which constituent group you are applying.  The deadline for applications to the screening committee is February 7. Applicants will be...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News January 31, 2020   Dear Hillcrest Families, Thank you to all of the Hillcrest families and friends who attended our January All School Meeting today!  We enjoyed some very engaging presentations from all three grade levels. Mrs. Prevett’s preschoolers shared a poem that focused on the different things that our preschoolers are learning to do and how they feel about their accomplishments.  This was related to their classroom focus on building self confidence and positive self-esteem. Mrs. Fox’s kindergarten...
Tomorrow we have an All School Meeting in our auditorium from 2:15-2:45.  This is an open meeting and all family members are invited to join. Monday, February 3 is a School Council meeting in my office from 3:30-4:30.  This meeting is open to the public and you are invited to attend. Wednesday, February 5 is a half day of school with a noon dismissal.  The spirit day for staff and students is wear your hoodie sweatshirt.  Students and staff can wear a sweatshirt with a hood and wear the hood up all day. As always, this is offered if you want to, not a...
