News From Across GMRSD

Principal Newsletter for April 9,2020 ● There will be a third/final report card at the end of the year.  This will be completed based on skills taught before the closure.  Staff are engaging your child/ren in standards based practice/review at this time. ● With remote learning being rolled out, I’d like to provide some internet resources for any family who may need it; Comcast: Verizon:
Dear Parents/Guardians, APRIL VACATION INFO. April school vacation is scheduled for April 20-24. Given the emergency shutdown, the state is giving districts the option of holding remote days of school on April 21-24 or of continuing with a school vacation week. The GMRSD school committee will vote on this matter on Thursday night. The committee would like to hear your opinion about what to decide before it votes on this matter. Here are some options the committee will consider: 1. Keep April vacation week. Should school resume this spring, the last day of in person school would be...
Dear Parents and Guardians, Please READ MORE on a summary of the plans we have put in place for remote learning and support during the emergency school closure.  If you have questions about these plans please contact your students’ teachers, counselors, or school principal.  We are striving to balance providing some continued student learning while also hoping to limit undue stress upon families at this unprecedented time.  Your ongoing feedback and your partnering with our educators will be essential to any successes we have together.   These plans will take...
Click here for Gill Elementary School's closure resources
April 5, 2020 Dear Families, On behalf of Gill-Montague faculty and staff, I hope this communication finds your family healthy and well given these extraordinary and unprecedented circumstances. We miss you all so much! Please carefully read this update regarding the delivery of special education services. In light of the extended closure, the Massachusetts Department of Education has issued guidance to all school districts regarding the provision of special education and related services to support and maintain students’ current levels of progress as best as possible. Model 1...
We Are All In This Together: Parent/Caregiver Virtual Support Group Coming to You From The Brick House! For Parents and Caregivers caring for kids of any age We’ll cover the many issues that are of concern these days, from talking with your kids to self-care to keeping your child engaged in learning from home! The first session will be on Wednesday April 8th from 10:30-12 In this introductory session, we’ll explore YOUR suggestions: We may decide to split into 2 or 3 groups, each for parents and caregivers of specific age ranges. The time and days of the group...
