News From Across GMRSD

To: GMRSD Staff and Community From: Michael Sullivan, Superintendent Re: Pandemic Response Advisory Committee The school committee has approved the creation of a pandemic response advisory committee to make recommendations to the school committee and district administration regarding the reopening of schools in the fall. Here are some of the details: What: A committee that will review DESE guidelines and parent and staff survey results and then make recommendations to the school committee on how to structure schools for the fall reopening. Who: 3 School Committee members...
  Hillcrest Elementary School Friday News June 12,  2020 Dear Hillcrest Families, We did it!  Collectively, we have all worked so hard to support our students in making it to the last day of the 2019 - 2020 school year!  Each year, I see the last day of school as a celebration of the collaboration among Hillcrest staff, students, families and community members.  This year, more than ever, we are especially grateful for the collaboration and commitment of our Hillcrest families! You have taken on an unexpected and very challenging role during...
Responding to Racism Dear GMRSD Community, A white police officer kneels on a black man’s neck, casually, hands in pockets, while colleagues assist, until the man dies.  A white woman dog walker in Central Park calls the police on a black man bird watcher, and in a contrived call for help she attempts to use her power and privilege to endanger him.  Meanwhile, across the nation, twice as many people of color contract and die from this awful virus.  We are all outraged.  What is a school community to do? Two tracks are active in Gill-Montague.  First, as our...
Principal Newsletter for June 11, 2020 This is the final newsletter for this year and I write it with mixed emotions.  I am disappointed, repulsed, and hopeful!  I’m disappointed our students were unable to be in a ‘normal’ classroom with their teacher for the spring.  I’m disappointed we were unable to conduct our end of year field trips including a half day at the middle school for our fifth graders, our first graders coming here, and traditions to celebrate all students.  I’m repulsed by the continued injustice to marginalize and mistreat fellow human beings...
HILLCREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 30 Griswold Street, Turners Falls, MA 01376 Sarah Burstein, Principal Phone (413) 863-9526                                                                                   ...
Principal Newsletter for June 4, 2020 ● Please be on the lookout in your home for Sheffield library books.  Book return will be June 12th. ● We have planned a pick up of student personal effects along with a summer send off for Friday, June 12th.  A flyer will be mailed home with details. ● Chrome book return will be Monday, June 15.  A letter will be going home to families who borrowed a chrome book with more details. ● Next year’s teacher will be included in your child’s report card.   ● Report cards will be mailed the week of June...
