News From Across GMRSD

          We are scheduling a supplies pick up on Wednesday, October 7 in the Sheffield parking lot between 1:00-3:00 for all grades.  If you picked up a manilla folder with beginning of the year paperwork back when we handed out chrome books, please complete forms and bring them with you.  If you did not, no problem, we will have a folder ready for you.  It would be wonderful to have you plan to complete the paperwork when you arrive so it’s one less thing to have to remember to do and return, but not required. Please bring your own pen...
Dates to Remember:  10/7/20- FIRST All-School Meeting- 11:00 a.m. 10/12/20- Indigenous Peoples'  Day- NO SCHOOL 10/24/20- Gill Flu Clinic- 10:00-12:00 (see attached flier) Dear Gill Community, As many of you may be aware, the Gill-Montague School Committee voted last Tuesday evening on the Superintendent's recommendation that students return towards the end of October, provided the necessary repairs/updates are completed for the Gill Elementary HVAC system.  We have a lot of work to do between now and that time, so there will be...
September 25, 2020 Newsletter Dates to Remember:  10/7/20- FIRST All-School Meeting- Time and Logistics TBD 10/12/20- Columbus  Day- NO SCHOOL 10/24/20- Gill Flu Clinic- 10:00-12:00 (see attached flier)   Dear Gill Community, Happy Fall!  We’ve now completed the second week of school and  students and staff are settling down into consistent school routines. Kindergarten students began this week and are experiencing a very different way of how to be students than our other students have.  I’ve been visiting classrooms,...
Your patience and collaboration is so appreciated while we engage in remote learning!  I apologize for the inconvenience our internet has caused and hope our second week was smoother.  I’ve really enjoyed logging on and seeing your child engaged with their remote classroom! Every Wednesday we engage in a Social Emotional Learning lesson.  Currently every teacher reads a book and engages students in a discussion with follow up activities.  These lessons are purposeful and carefully planned.  We want to provide windows and mirrors for our students. ...
