Friday News - March 13, 2020


Hillcrest Elementary School

Friday News

March 13, 2020


Dear Hillcrest Families,

Across the globe and right here in our community, it has been a bit of a confusing week as we all try to make sense of the ever changing news surrounding the Covid-19 crisis.  Our district administration has been working hard to keep you well-informed about school health and hygiene practices through website updates and letters sent home in your child’s backpack.  As you receive these updates, please do not hesitate to call us here at school if you have any questions.  

As an elementary school principal, I spend lots of time talking to young children and answering a wide range of questions each day.  During this health epidemic, your children are likely to have many questions for you about the Covid-19 virus and how it might impact their lives.  My best advice is to answer your children's questions calmly and honestly and to share information in a developmentally appropriate manner. Specifically, young children generally need brief, simple explanations that give messages of reassurance.  Let your children know that you are aware of the virus, that you have plans for keeping them safe, and that there are steps they can take to stay healthy, such as washing their hands frequently, covering their coughs and sneezes, and getting plenty of rest.  In addition, monitor your children’s exposure to news reports and social media coverage of the virus. Be present if your children are watching the news in order to answer questions that may arise.  

There are many excellent resources for families that provide guidance about talking to children about Covid-19.  Here are a few that I have found to be helpful:

National Association of School Psychologists

Centers for Disease Control

National Public Radio

Zero to Three

Looking ahead, there may be changes to our school routines and to scheduled events.  I will continue to keep you well-informed through notes like this one, information posted to our school website and Facebook posts.  You can reach me here at school by calling 413-863-9526 or by emailing me at

Wishing you a wonderful weekend ---

Sarah Burstein, Princpal