School Council Information
School Council Extravaganza!
What is a school council?
Why would I want to join one?
You are invited!
Who: Parents, guardians, educators, community members, business owners, or anyone else potentially interested in serving on one of our five school councils.
What: Join us for a pizza and salad dinner and social gathering to be followed by a presentation and discussion with Ms. Tracy Novick of the Massachusetts School Committee Association (MASC). Ms. Novick will explain the role of school councils and their potential for shaping the culture, learning, and initiatives within our schools.
Where: Turners Falls High School, School Committee Room, 2nd Floor
When: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 6 pm
Why: The school committee has heard from many constituents who want to reinvigorate school level decision making and the committee enthusiastically supports these efforts! Join school administrators, school committee members, and current school council members at this welcoming and informal occasion. There will be no expectation of joining a council for those who attend! Child Care: We may provide child care should there be sufficient interest. Please contact our family engagement coordinator by September 24 if you are interested in child care.
Other questions? Please contact the district’s Family Engagement Coordinator, Stacey Langknecht at or at (413) 863-7210
Si usted desea que este documento sea traducido por favor contáctese: Spanish Language Liaison, Jimena De Pareja: 413-695-9593