Principal Newsletter February 28
Please be aware that there is an internet challenge called "Momo" that is extremely dangerous and
many of our students are talking about it, even our second graders. Some students are reporting to
our nurse they are having nightmares as well. Momo is a scary looking doll who asks kids to do things.
They start off innocent at first, like eat a banana. Then they become more dark and scary where
students are asked to self harm and even asked to commit suicide. I do not know how, but it has been
reported that this "Momo" character will pop up on internet games kids are playing without them
searching for it. There is also a phone app called Whatsapp where "Momo" will call or text message
their challenge as well. I share this so you can monitor and talk with your child/ren about this and any
other site where dangerous acts are asked of them.
Wednesday, March 6 is a half day with a noon dismissal. Our Sheffield Pride spirit theme is DRESS ALL
IN ONE COLOR DAY! Dress completely in one color- all red, all blue, all green, and so on! Your
choice! If you want, find a friend or two or three and all wear the SAME color!! It's an "if you want
to" not a "have-to". Clothing must be appropriate per our dress code guidelines No Hats.
Thursday, March 7 at 9:00 is an All School Sing in our auditorium. Families are welcome to attend.
Reading MCAS will be held April 8-11 for grades 4 and 5, and April 24-25 for grade 3. Math MCAS will
be May 9-17 for grades 3-5. Science MCAS for grade 5 will be May 21 and 22.
With Sheffield Pride,
Melissa Pitrat