Principal Newsletter 4/8


Next Wednesday and Thursday we will begin English Language Arts MCAS testing for grades 3 to 5. Test sessions will begin almost immediately after the breakfast program has finished. It is important that your child be in school and on time. It is also equally important that your child have a good nights’ sleep beforehand and have a good breakfast at home or at school to be well fueled. MCAS testing is one measure of your child's progress in school. Please encourage your child to take their time (tests are not timed) and to try and do their best. A makeup session for the English Language arts test will be available on Friday. The next session of testing will be for Mathematics. The testing dates for math will be May 11 and 12, with a makeup session on the 13th. Additionally, grade 5 students will have a Science, Technology and Engineering testing on May 24 and 25 with a makeup session May 26th.


On this coming Monday, April 11th, the Massachusetts Safety Task Force will be conducting a practice lockdown. We will have a State Policeman, Trooper Charmichael, giving instruction at the end of each of the lunch sessions and the start of each recess. The most important part of these drills is ensuring that students listen and follow the directions given by adults.

We will also have a fire drill during the week following the April vacation. That date is to be determined with Fire Chief.

Thank you in advance to families for speaking with your children about the importance of these measures to help keep the children and staff safe at Sheffield Elementary School.

FOS Fundraiser

Friends of Sheffield will be holding a Hillside Pizza Fundraiser to help support upcoming fun events at Sheffield. The sale will start on April 13 and all money and forms will be due April 27. Orders will arrive in the 2nd week of May. This will give students a chance to sell items during April break. Be on the lookout for order forms and information in backpacks next week.


It's almost here! April vacation begin on Monday, April 18th. Students and staff can begin to look forward to a well-deserved break.