Principal Newsletter 4/16/2020
Principal Newsletter for April 16, 2020
● Thank you families! You are all doing an amazing job assisting your child/ren with their at home learning! We know this cannot be easy, and hour by hour you and your child must be experiencing a myriad of feelings… and that’s okay. It’s normal! Don’t forget to engage in self care for yourself, as you care for your child/ren.
● Report cards are in the mail! You should receive them in a few days. Teachers conducted remote parent/teacher conferences back in March. Please reach out if you have any questions/concerns about the report card.
● The governor has not made a final decision on our return date, but once made we will reach out and share that with you. There are a lot of questions many of you may have or will have about next year depending on his decision. I do not want to speculate at this time, but your questions will be answered once a decision is made.
● Our fabulous administrative assistant, Mrs. Carrie Burke, will be answering our school phone remotely from 9:00-12:00 daily. A call before or after these times, will result in you being prompted to leave a message. She will return your call during her assigned work time.
● The Nurse’s Office is open for phone calls, Monday-Friday 9a-12p. You can reach Nurse Sue, at 413-863-7441, with any health care questions or concerns. Please see this helpful grid below on a symptom comparison between COVID 19, the common cold, the flu, and seasonal allergies- which are already starting.
Stay healthy and well!
Melissa Pitrat