Principal Newsletter 3/19/2020

Principal Newsletter for March 19, 2020

​Dear Families,

It's only been four days since the decision was made to close school, and three days to share that we’re closed for 3 weeks!  The decision was not made lightly and was to first and foremost mitigate the spread of this virus to students, families and staff.

Our Admin:

● Created a meal delivery program to ensure students are getting breakfast and lunch five days a week.

● Supporting teachers with family contact information, guidelines for p/t conferences and resources to encourage students to keep skills strong.

● Updating our websites frequently. 


● Have been working to connect with you via email or phone to conduct parent/teacher conferences by Friday, March 27th.

● Create resources students can access online that will be shared by Monday, March 23.

● They will check email twice a day to answer your questions.

I will continue to provide weekly newsletters and ask that you check our website frequently for important updates.

Stay healthy,

Melissa Pitrat