Principal Newsletter 10/30/2020
A huge thank you to our Friends of Sheffield for organising our 5th Annual Pumpkin Party. It was so great to see families come pick a pumpkin they could carve or paint at home to keep the tradition alive!
If you picked up or were mailed the beginning of the year packet and have not returned it to the office, please return completed papers to the office by; mail, in person drop off, or fax (863-3259) before we’re fully hybrid. Students will not be able to be back in school until Nurse Sue has an up to date health form. If you lost or misplaced these forms, please reach out ( 863-9326) so we can get it to you.
Families can call Nurse Sue ( 863-7441) or email her ( with any questions regarding symptoms, and if/when to keep your student home.
Parent/teacher conferences are coming up on Thursday and Friday, November 12th and 13th. Teachers will be sending invitations to meet virtually for this important opportunity to meet about your child’s progress.
A friendly reminder that we turn the clocks back one hour this weekend- Saturday night. Consider changing the batteries in your smoke detectors to ensure they are in working order.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
With Sheffield Pride,
Melissa Pitrat