Principal Newsletter 10/21
OCTOBER 21, 2022
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you for attending parent teacher conferences. It was so great to see so many of you and talk about the learning that has occurred already this school year.
e all know that strong connections between home and school benefit our students tremendously. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the school year.
October is Kindness Month at Sheffield
As you know, October is Kindness Month at Sheffield. Just this week, I gave out tickets for "advocating for a friend" and "demonstrating integrity and responsibility toward the principal". Throughout the building, you see friends holding doors open for each other and compliments being given to teachers! Our Sheffield TEAM is extremely kind!
Here are pictures from this week's winners and the books that they "purchased"! Congratulations to everyone that was awarded a kindness ticket this week!
Second Graders go on a Sensory Walk to Discover the Autumn Changes
On Wednesday morning, to enhance our Season of Change Wit and Wisdom ELA theme, all the students in Grade 2 went on a walking field trip together on school grounds. Children used their senses to capture what they saw, felt and heard with clipboards in hand to record fall observations. We noticed and wondered about a nest high up in a tree, twisted branches stuck inside a fence, holes in the ground, black spots on fallen leaves and more! As an added challenge, children were asked to find a “pinnate” and “palmate” leaf and tell why the leaves were given this classification. Being outside was a welcomed change!
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in Art with Ms. Castro-Santos
For Hispanic Heritage month (September 15 - October 15), 3rd grade artists studied the artist Frida Kahlo and learned about her life, her many pets and her paintings. Students listened to the story, "Frida and her Animalitos" and drew their own self portraits with their pets or with pets they wish to have. They also created colorful portraits using paint and collaged paper to create their own image of Frida.
Jocelyn Castro-Santos
Elementary Art
5th Grade Artists Inspired by Tim Burton
These drawings were created by 5th grade artists, who looked at the artwork and illustrations of artist and filmmaker, Tim Burton for inspiration. They seemed to really enjoy the project and I am hope you saw them on display at the front of the school when you attended parent teacher conferences.
Jocelyn Castro-Santos
Elementary Art
Classroom Connections Contact Sheets
This week you should have received your classroom connections contact information sheet for your child's classroom.
We hope that this information will help foster relationships between students and their families. The information can be used to invite classmates to play dates and birthday parties. We hope that families will use it to meet other families and support each other.
Bus Evacuation Drills
Today, October 21, all Sheffield students participated in learning about bus safety and practiced a bus evacuation drill so that they would know what to do in an emergency. Thank you to our Kuzmeskus bus drivers who educated them today and who keep our students safe every day!
Friends of Sheffield (FOS)
FOS Meeting Minutes
Our second meeting was held this past Monday and mainly focused on our upcoming trunk-or-treat event. We're in need of volunteers to help decorate and set things up in the afternoon in addition to cleaning up at the end of the night. Please reach out to us if you can help! Here is the link to our Meeting Minutes.
Our next meeting will be Monday, November 28, from 6:00-6:45. We will meet in-person as well as virtually.
Teacher Conferences
Many thanks to all the families who dropped off grab-and-go snacks or other needed supplies for our lunch spread. Thank you to Ann Annear & her crew who put together an amazing salad bar for the teachers & staff. Lastly, we want to give a big shout out to the following local restaurants for their donations to our soup buffet: Black Cow Burger Bar, Great Falls Harvest, The Rendezvous, Shady Glen Diner, Stone Soup Cafe & The Whistle Stop Cafe. We hope you'll go out and support these amazing restaurants just as they have supported our little school community! Some of them may be at the Great Falls Festival this weekend, so be sure to check them out.
Wreath Fundraiser
Our wreath fundraiser is in full swing! Venmo. If you haven't received our order form yet, or need an extra, it can be found here.
Order forms are due by the end of the school day on Friday, October 28th! Wreaths will be available for pickup in the Sheffield parking lot near the end of November, and we will announce the date as soon as it is known. Thank you in advance for your support!!
We are still accepting NUT-FREE candy donations. Thank you to all of the families who have donated so far! Please see our new flier below & our map with details for both trick-or-treating families & trunk decorators!
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us via email:
Friends of Sheffield
The Sheffield staff TEAM sends a huge THANK YOU to all of you! We were "bowled over" by the generous meal we were provided during parent teacher conferences. We want to thank all the families who donated snacks and drinks. Thank you to our cafeteria team for the incredible salad bar. And finally, thank you to the following restaurants that donated soup and desserts!
Black Cow Burger
Great Falls Harvest
The Rendezvous
Shady Glen
Stone Soup Café
Save the Date!
October 28 - Trunk or Treat from 5:30-7:30 pm (all Hillcrest and Sheffield families are welcome!)
November 2 - Early Release at noon
November 2 - All School Sing at 11:30 am (all Welcome!)
November 6 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 11 - No School
November 16 - Early Release at noon
November 18 - All School Meeting at 2:15 pm (all Welcome!)
November 23 - Early Release at noon
November 23 - Turkey Trot (all Welcome!)
November 24 and November 25 - No School
November 28 - FOS Meeting at Sheffield at 6 pm
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is overflowing. Please see the pictures below to see if you recognize any of these items. Labeling your child's belongings will also make it easier for us to return them.