Principal Newsletter 10/15/2021
Our play structure is open! Our recess staff have begun to teach the rules and procedures of using the different components of our structure.
I’d like to clarify what a structured recess is. This August, the recess staff and I created binders of games; kickball, spud, birds nest, soccer, etc. The pandemic has impacted some of our students' ability to play well with peers. Most conflicts arise from disagreements on the rules, or displaying good sportsmanship. A structured recess is not a punishment but an opportunity to reteach a game to review rules and good sportsmanship. Each adult takes one whole class and plays a game with that class. If the students don’t want to play they don’t have to, but need to stay near the game. The next day, they rotate or they may stay with that same game until everyone feels confident with the rules. The goal is to have a gradual release of staff support so students can play independently.
I’d also like to share information on our no talking in lunch policy. We have been told by the state that students have to be at least 3 feet apart from each other. Last year I could get everyone in the cafeteria 6 feet apart from each other. This year, I cannot. There are 64 desks in our cafeteria with students being 3 feet apart and in rows. With that many students being unmasked at the same time and in the same space, the expectation is that they are silent, facing the same direction, and are eating so they are safe while unmasked. We tried to allow students to talk if they were done eating and masked, but inevitably the students who were unmasked and still eating began talking as well, so we needed to change our expectations and make it consistent and fair for all. All decisions we make about procedures are to protect your child and the children around them from contracting COVID.
Our fire safety assembly did not occur today, but will be rescheduled very soon.
We are looking for some parent volunteers to help teach and oversee our recess games. You could help for one hour, and support two grades or two hours and support all grades. Volunteers do not need to think of games or already know the rules, we have games and rules already written out. We need people who are; energetic, patient, fun, and who will follow school rules and expect our students to follow them as well. Please let me know if you have time to help out at our recesses. Recess for 4th and 5th is 11:20-12:20, and 2nd and 3rd is 12:30-1:30.
The final Movie in the Park is playing tonight. Come see Jurassic Park starting at 7:00 pm at Pesekeomskut Park!
On Wednesday, October 20 there is a virtual FOS meeting from 4:00-4:45.
Kuzmeskus bus company respectfully requests that any family who drives their child/ren to school in the morning refrain from parking directly in front of the school so busses have room to pull up. At the end of the day, please park in a designated space and refrain from parking along the ball field.
Our staff is committed to your child’s academic success. In that spirit, the work they assign is important and students are afforded time to complete assigned work in class. There are some students who have refused to complete assigned work so we want to hold students who refuse accountable. We will have them stay after with a teacher to complete refused work. A letter will be going home in both paper form and email explaining more.
Here’s a message from Nurse Sue:
· This is a friendly reminder that students should arrive with 2 clean masks each day of school. The amount of disposable masks given out daily is exceeding the District’s supply. Please be advised that if your child arrives at school without a mask, or wearing an adult sized one, they will be given a white child sized one. This is important as the mask needs to fit properly; covering both the nose and mouth without dropping. For the safety of staff and students the mask has to stay on unless eating, at recess if separated by 6 or more feet, or a break by a window. If students are in violation of this policy, the building principal will consult with the parent/guardians to determine whether an exception is appropriate, or the student may be subject to discipline in accordance with the procedures contained in the Student Handbook.
The Fogbuster Coffee Works fundraiser to support Friends of Sheffield continues this week and runs through October 22. Go to to see a variety of items available for purchase including a special SHEFFIELD PRIDE blend of coffee, various flavored coffees, K-cups and chocolate covered espresso beans. 30% of all proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to our school. All items will be available for pickup in the parking lot at Sheffield on Friday, October 29, at 3:15. Purchases may also be shipped (with shipping fees). Contact with any questions. Thank you for your support!
With Sheffield Pride,
Melissa Pitrat