GMRSD Food Drive

6th Annual GMRSD Food Drive: We’re collecting non-perishable food items again this year for the Montague Catholic Social Ministries Food Pantry, and we need your help! The food pantry supports many families in need in our very own community. Items most needed include canned vegetables/fruit/protein, soup, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, oatmeal, instant potatoes, rice, beans, pasta and pasta sauce, juice and snacks. All items may be brought to school or dropped off between Monday, December 6 and Friday, December 17. A box will be stationed near the main office.

Very important reminder! Please check expiration dates as anything expired will need to be thrown away. Let’s work together to replenish the food pantry during this urgent time of need. Thank you for your generosity!

If your family is in need of food contact MCSM, The Mobile Food Bank, Franklin County Community Meals Program, Franklin Area Survival Center, Stone Soup Cafe, or the Dial/Self Food Pantry.

Friends of Sheffield

(413) 676-9006