TFHS Finals Schedule – January 2023

Here is the link for the TFHS Finals schedule for January 23 - 27.

Please see the statement below relating to seniors only.

Seniors may be exempt from final exams (not from final papers/projects, and not from AP courses) if their average in the class is 93 or above on the date of the second to the last class before the exam.  Teachers must have graded all work that is due and submitted, and they must entered the scores into the portal by this date.  In addition, seniors need to have no more than one unexcused absence from school, no more than 5 combined excused/unexcused absences from school, and no more than three unexcused tardies from school to be eligible for the exemption in a given semester.  Teachers will be provided with an attendance report by the second to last day before the exam.  *Student athletes should be aware that MIAA rules about attendance still apply.  

TFHS Finals Schedule – January 2023