Principal Newsletter September 27, 2018
We have Open House tonight starting at 5:30 pm. There will be a brief presentation in the auditorium followed by classroom visits. Don’t forget to stop by the cafeteria to visit community tables.
Fluoride will begin on Tuesday, October 2nd for all students who were signed up.
Wednesday, October 3rd is a half day of school with a noon dismissal. Wednesday’s spirit day is Sports Day. Students and staff are invited to wear clothing that represents their favorite team/sport (baseball, football, soccer, basketball, hockey, etc.). Wear player jerseys, team shirts, or dress in your favorite team’s color(s). This is an "if you want to"...not a "have-to". Clothing must be appropriate per our handbook guidelines. No make-up or hair sprays/dyes, etc. due to chemical/allergy concerns. Baseball cap-type hats only are permitted except when they might interfere with learning or teacher's discretion (vocabulary word!).
Hold the date, Thursday, October 4th will be our first All School Sing in the auditorium starting at 9:00. Families are welcome to attend this festive community building event.
Finally, a huge ‘Congratulations’ to the hardworking staff at Sheffield for improving on MCAS and having an accountability status of not requiring assistance or intervention!!
With Sheffield Pride,
Melissa Pitrat