Principal's Newsletter for 9/6/18
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Dear Sheffield Families,
I send a newsletter home with students once a week, on Thursdays, along with other notices from the school. We'll post the newsletters on the school's website, too, so you can always find them there, too. Here's this week's news:
- Dismissal at the end of the day was changed mid-year last year and I neglected to include the change in my August newsletter. At the 3:15 dismissal all fourth and fifth grade students exit out the front doors of the school. All second and third grade students exit the side door toward the parking lot and Montague Street. This change was made to alleviate the congestion of 200+ students exiting one door. Please alert family members who may occasionally pick up of this arrangement. Any student who is not immediately picked up is returned to the main office after dismissal.
- Wednesday, September 12th is our first half day of school with a noon dismissal.
- A tradition at Sheffield is to have spirit days on half days where staff and students alike participate. Our first spirit day is "CLASH DAY &/OR TIE DAY" "Clash" means in a fashion sense: really bright colors, mismatched socks, stripes with spots, plaids with stripes, etc. Ties can be made of paper/cardboard, neck ties, bow ties, hair ties, etc. A great day for tie-dyed shirts! All clothing must be appropriate per handbook guidelines. No hair dyes or face paints at school due to allergy concerns. It will NOT be a hat day. Spirit Days are an "if you want to" not a "have to"!
- School council is an opportunity for families to get involved in decision making for students. There are currently three vacancies for the 2018-2019 school year. A separate sheet of paper with all the details will be in Thursday folders. Click here to see it.
- It was so wonderful to see so many smiling and familiar faces walk through the doors this week. I’m looking forward to an amazing school year!
With Sheffield Pride,
Melissa Pitrat